5 Key Issues Impacting Municipalities for 2022
Welcome 2022! The future is now…
So, I thought we’d start off 2022 with some observations for local government enthusiasts!
Here are 5 key issues that I see putting local government to the test over this next year and likely into this decade

1). (CSI) Cyber Security Invasion is here NOW! Welcome to the inevitable and the obvious challenge for 2022 and this next decade. If you haven’t started thinking about your IT security requirements it may be too late! This unfortunate type of invasion will become so pervasive in government circles that we will start to become oblivious to the problem. Unfortunately, the costs to battle the problem will require some additional support (maybe from senior levels of government). Unfortunately try as we may this cyber security challenge will be with us for most of the upcoming decade.
2). The WAR for talent is about to get hotter, at least by a few degrees. Have you looked at the slate of vacant leadership roles across the municipal sector lately? The exodus of the baby boomers is without question reaching a groundswell. The grey tsunami is past the highwater level and threatening many organizations. With that war for talent we will also see some pressure on salaries and benefits across the municipal sector. Municipal council’s will be faced with the increased challenges of holding the purse strings tight while still trying to get the best and brightest into their communities and neighbouring municipalities will continue to pilfer and compete with each other for top talent.
3). Speaking of tsunami’s, the stress related to weather uncertainty (aka. climate change – note the dance around so as not to lose the naysayers) will present some serious challenges to an already stressed municipal infrastructure. The need to address global climate change is real, whether you are dealing with temperature swings that wreak havoc on the road surfaces or those buried pipes through the freeze thaw cycles. In addition, we seem to be seeing greater regularity of the unpredictable devastation of flash flooding or periods of sustained rainfall. As part of the Country endures flooding, other parts face droughts and the threat of devastating fires. I can’t imagine the pressures on the local government resources in Southeast Australia given the devastating fires they are currently experiencing. Absolutely heart wrenching…
4). Stakeholder Engagement will continue to present challenges given the hurried lives and demands of citizens and businesses. Reaching people with the right message through the right medium and at the right time is akin to picking all 7 numbers in the lottery. Surprisingly we continue to struggle getting people to come out to vote, yet we flaunt the fact that municipalities are the government closest to the people. If someone one comes up with the right soap box to reach the masses, in a way that presents information in an unbiased and accurate way that helps educate and strengthen the relationship between local government and its residents, ratepayers, businesses, visitors etc… you will hit the jackpot!
5). Training will continue to be a key investment for the future of your employees and the culture of your organization. Training in my view is tied in large part with the culture of the organization. Organizations that invest NOT only in new systems, processes and technology but also in their people will have a much better probability of becoming innovators and leaders within the municipal sector.
Training continues to evolve in so many ways from the standard classroom setting, to the lunch and learn webinar formats, to the online training program. Investing in employees and new technology will pay huge dividends and most certainly does impact the culture of your organization.
Wishing you continued success for 2020 and always remember to challenge the status quo!